Claim Back The Cost
Are you wanting to treat your staff to a Christmas Party but are looking at how
the already tight budget will cope?
In these time of budget cuts, the Staff Party is often the first
thing to go. This can not only result in lower staff morale but
also remove one of the reasons that staff have stayed loyal to your company. There is
good news however, your Christmas Party may not cost your company quite as much as you would
If you are running a profitable company then you can claim the costs of
"entertaining your staff" at a Christmas Party back against your tax bill. This
will help to reduce this bill as well as provide an immeasurable boost to staff
morale - everyone likes to feel valued, let their hair down and have a good time
- throwing a party is without a doubt, the best way to
achieve this.
So if you need to use up some of your budget and tax allowance for the year, then
using this £150 per employee could be a great way of achieving this,
Contact Us
for more details on this.